]> cvs.zerfleddert.de Git - micropolis/blob - src/tk/library/demos/mkStyles.tcl
add missing break in switch
[micropolis] / src / tk / library / demos / mkStyles.tcl
1 # mkStyles w
2 #
3 # Create a top-level window with a text widget that demonstrates the
4 # various display styles that are available in texts.
5 #
6 # Arguments:
7 # w - Name to use for new top-level window.
9 proc mkStyles {{w .styles}} {
10 catch {destroy $w}
11 toplevel $w
12 dpos $w
13 wm title $w "Text Demonstration - Display Styles"
14 wm iconname $w "Text Styles"
15 button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w"
16 text $w.t -relief raised -bd 2 -yscrollcommand "$w.s set" -setgrid true \
17 -width 70 -height 28
18 scrollbar $w.s -relief flat -command "$w.t yview"
19 pack append $w $w.ok {bottom fillx} $w.s {right filly} $w.t {expand fill}
21 # Set up display styles
23 $w.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
24 $w.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
25 $w.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
26 if {[winfo screendepth $w] > 4} {
27 $w.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
28 $w.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
29 $w.t tag configure raised -background #eed5b7 -relief raised \
30 -borderwidth 1
31 $w.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
32 -borderwidth 1
33 } else {
34 $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
35 $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
36 $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
37 -borderwidth 1
38 $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
39 -borderwidth 1
40 }
41 $w.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
42 -bgstipple gray25
43 $w.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
44 $w.t tag configure underline -underline on
46 $w.t insert 0.0 {\
47 Text widgets like this one allow you to display information in a
48 variety of styles. Display styles are controlled using a mechanism
49 called }
50 insertWithTags $w.t tags bold
51 insertWithTags $w.t {. Tags are just textual names that you can apply to one
52 or more ranges of characters within a text widget. You can configure
53 tags with various display styles. If you do this, then the tagged
54 characters will be displayed with the styles you chose. The
55 available display styles are:
56 }
57 insertWithTags $w.t {
58 1. Font.} big
59 insertWithTags $w.t { You can choose any X font, }
60 insertWithTags $w.t large verybig
61 insertWithTags $w.t { or }
62 insertWithTags $w.t {small.
63 }
64 insertWithTags $w.t {
65 2. Color.} big
66 insertWithTags $w.t { You can change either the }
67 insertWithTags $w.t background color1
68 insertWithTags $w.t { or }
69 insertWithTags $w.t foreground color2
70 insertWithTags $w.t {
71 color, or }
72 insertWithTags $w.t both color1 color2
73 insertWithTags $w.t {.
74 }
75 insertWithTags $w.t {
76 3. Stippling.} big
77 insertWithTags $w.t { You can cause either the }
78 insertWithTags $w.t background bgstipple
79 insertWithTags $w.t { or }
80 insertWithTags $w.t foreground fgstipple
81 insertWithTags $w.t {
82 information to be drawn with a stipple fill instead of a solid fill.
83 }
84 insertWithTags $w.t {
85 4. Underlining.} big
86 insertWithTags $w.t { You can }
87 insertWithTags $w.t underline underline
88 insertWithTags $w.t { ranges of text.
89 }
90 insertWithTags $w.t {
91 5. 3-D effects.} big
92 insertWithTags $w.t { You can arrange for the background to be drawn
93 with a border that makes characters appear either }
94 insertWithTags $w.t raised raised
95 insertWithTags $w.t { or }
96 insertWithTags $w.t sunken sunken
97 insertWithTags $w.t {.
98 }
99 insertWithTags $w.t {
100 6. Yet to come.} big
101 insertWithTags $w.t { More display effects will be coming soon, such
102 as the ability to change line justification and perhaps line spacing.}
104 $w.t mark set insert 0.0
105 bind $w <Any-Enter> "focus $w.t"
106 }
108 # The procedure below inserts text into a given text widget and
109 # applies one or more tags to that text. The arguments are:
110 #
111 # w Window in which to insert
112 # text Text to insert (it's inserted at the "insert" mark)
113 # args One or more tags to apply to text. If this is empty
114 # then all tags are removed from the text.
116 proc insertWithTags {w text args} {
117 set start [$w index insert]
118 $w insert insert $text
119 foreach tag [$w tag names $start] {
120 $w tag remove $tag $start insert
121 }
122 foreach i $args {
123 $w tag add $i $start insert
124 }
125 }
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