]> cvs.zerfleddert.de Git - proxmark3-svn/blob - client/scripting.c
Merge pull request #54 from Proxmark/lf_recorder
[proxmark3-svn] / client / scripting.c
1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (C) 2013 m h swende <martin at swende.se>
3 //
4 // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
5 // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
6 // the license.
7 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 // Some lua scripting glue to proxmark core.
9 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #include <lua.h>
12 #include <lualib.h>
13 #include <lauxlib.h>
14 #include "proxmark3.h"
15 #include "usb_cmd.h"
16 #include "cmdmain.h"
17 #include "scripting.h"
18 #include "util.h"
19 #include "nonce2key/nonce2key.h"
20 #include "../common/iso15693tools.h"
21 #include "../common/crc16.h"
22 #include "aes.h"
23 /**
24 * The following params expected:
25 * UsbCommand c
26 *@brief l_SendCommand
27 * @param L
28 * @return
29 */
30 static int l_SendCommand(lua_State *L){
32 /*
33 *
34 The SendCommand (native) expects the following structure:
36 typedef struct {
37 uint64_t cmd; //8 bytes
38 uint64_t arg[3]; // 8*3 bytes = 24 bytes
39 union {
40 uint8_t asBytes[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE]; // 1 byte * 512 = 512 bytes (OR)
41 uint32_t asDwords[USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE/4]; // 4 byte * 128 = 512 bytes
42 } d;
43 } PACKED UsbCommand;
45 ==> A 544 byte buffer will do.
46 **/
47 //Pop cmd
48 size_t size;
49 const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
50 if(size != sizeof(UsbCommand))
51 {
52 printf("Got data size %d, expected %d" , (int) size,(int) sizeof(UsbCommand));
53 lua_pushstring(L,"Wrong data size");
54 return 1;
55 }
57 // UsbCommand c = (*data);
58 SendCommand((UsbCommand* )data);
59 return 0; // no return values
60 }
61 /**
62 * @brief The following params expected:
63 * uint32_t cmd
64 * size_t ms_timeout
65 * @param L
66 * @return
67 */
68 static int l_WaitForResponseTimeout(lua_State *L){
70 uint32_t cmd = 0;
71 size_t ms_timeout = -1;
73 //Check number of arguments
74 int n = lua_gettop(L);
75 if(n == 0)
76 {
77 //signal error by returning Nil, errorstring
78 lua_pushnil(L);
79 lua_pushstring(L,"You need to supply at least command to wait for");
80 return 2; // two return values
81 }
82 if(n >= 1)
83 {
84 //pop cmd
85 cmd = luaL_checkunsigned(L,1);
86 }
87 if(n >= 2)
88 {
89 //Did the user send a timeout ?
90 //Check if the current top of stack is an integer
91 ms_timeout = luaL_checkunsigned(L,2);
92 //printf("Timeout set to %dms\n" , (int) ms_timeout);
93 }
95 UsbCommand response;
97 if(WaitForResponseTimeout(cmd, &response, ms_timeout))
98 {
99 //Push it as a string
100 lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&response,sizeof(UsbCommand));
102 return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
103 }else{
104 //Push a Nil instead
105 lua_pushnil(L);
106 return 1;// one return value
107 }
108 }
110 static int returnToLuaWithError(lua_State *L, const char* fmt, ...)
111 {
112 char buffer[200];
113 va_list args;
114 va_start(args,fmt);
115 vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt,args);
116 va_end(args);
118 lua_pushnil(L);
119 lua_pushstring(L,buffer);
120 return 2;
121 }
123 static int l_nonce2key(lua_State *L){
125 size_t size;
126 const char *p_uid = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
127 if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of uid, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
129 const char *p_nt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
130 if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of nt, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
132 const char *p_nr = luaL_checklstring(L, 3, &size);
133 if(size != 4) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of nr, got %d bytes, expected 4", (int) size);
135 const char *p_par_info = luaL_checklstring(L, 4, &size);
136 if(size != 8) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of par_info, got %d bytes, expected 8", (int) size);
138 const char *p_pks_info = luaL_checklstring(L, 5, &size);
139 if(size != 8) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of ks_info, got %d bytes, expected 8", (int) size);
142 uint32_t uid = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_uid,4);
143 uint32_t nt = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_nt,4);
145 uint32_t nr = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t*)p_nr,4);
146 uint64_t par_info = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_par_info,8);
147 uint64_t ks_info = bytes_to_num(( uint8_t *)p_pks_info,8);
149 uint64_t key = 0;
151 int retval = nonce2key(uid,nt, nr, par_info,ks_info, &key);
153 //Push the retval on the stack
154 lua_pushinteger(L,retval);
156 //Push the key onto the stack
157 uint8_t dest_key[8];
158 num_to_bytes(key,sizeof(dest_key),dest_key);
160 //printf("Pushing to lua stack: %012"llx"\n",key);
161 lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *) dest_key,sizeof(dest_key));
163 return 2; //Two return values
164 }
165 //static int l_PrintAndLog(lua_State *L){ return CmdHF14AMfDump(luaL_checkstring(L, 1));}
166 static int l_clearCommandBuffer(lua_State *L){
167 clearCommandBuffer();
168 return 0;
169 }
170 /**
171 * @brief l_foobar is a dummy function to test lua-integration with
172 * @param L
173 * @return
174 */
175 static int l_foobar(lua_State *L)
176 {
177 //Check number of arguments
178 int n = lua_gettop(L);
179 printf("foobar called with %d arguments" , n);
180 lua_settop(L, 0);
181 printf("Arguments discarded, stack now contains %d elements", lua_gettop(L));
183 // todo: this is not used, where was it intended for?
184 // UsbCommand response = {CMD_MIFARE_READBL, {1337, 1338, 1339}};
186 printf("Now returning a uint64_t as a string");
187 uint64_t x = 0xDEADBEEF;
188 uint8_t destination[8];
189 num_to_bytes(x,sizeof(x),destination);
190 lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&x,sizeof(x));
191 lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)destination,sizeof(destination));
193 return 2;
194 }
197 /**
198 * @brief Utility to check if a key has been pressed by the user. This method does not block.
199 * @param L
200 * @return boolean, true if kbhit, false otherwise.
201 */
202 static int l_ukbhit(lua_State *L)
203 {
204 lua_pushboolean(L,ukbhit() ? true : false);
205 return 1;
206 }
207 /**
208 * @brief Calls the command line parser to deal with the command. This enables
209 * lua-scripts to do stuff like "core.console('hf mf mifare')"
210 * @param L
211 * @return
212 */
213 static int l_CmdConsole(lua_State *L)
214 {
215 CommandReceived((char *)luaL_checkstring(L, 1));
216 return 0;
217 }
219 static int l_iso15693_crc(lua_State *L)
220 {
221 // uint16_t Iso15693Crc(uint8_t *v, int n);
222 size_t size;
223 const char *v = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
224 uint16_t retval = Iso15693Crc((uint8_t *) v, size);
225 lua_pushinteger(L, (int) retval);
226 return 1;
227 }
229 /*
230 Simple AES 128 cbc hook up to OpenSSL.
231 params: key, input
232 */
233 static int l_aes(lua_State *L)
234 {
235 //Check number of arguments
236 int i;
237 size_t size;
238 const char *p_key = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
239 if(size != 32) return returnToLuaWithError(L,"Wrong size of key, got %d bytes, expected 32", (int) size);
241 const char *p_encTxt = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &size);
243 unsigned char indata[16] = {0x00};
244 unsigned char outdata[16] = {0x00};
245 unsigned char aes_key[16] = {0x00};
246 unsigned char iv[16] = {0x00};
248 // convert key to bytearray
249 for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
250 sscanf(&p_encTxt[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&indata[i / 2]);
251 }
253 // convert input to bytearray
254 for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
255 sscanf(&p_key[i], "%02x", (unsigned int *)&aes_key[i / 2]);
256 }
258 //AES_KEY key;
259 //AES_set_decrypt_key(aes_key, 128, &key);
260 //AES_cbc_encrypt(indata, outdata, sizeof(indata), &key, iv, AES_DECRYPT);
262 aes_context ctx;
263 aes_init(&ctx);
264 aes_setkey_enc(&ctx,(const unsigned char *)p_key,128);
265 aes_crypt_cbc(&ctx,AES_DECRYPT,sizeof(indata), iv, indata,outdata );
266 //Push decrypted array as a string
267 lua_pushlstring(L,(const char *)&outdata, sizeof(outdata));
268 return 1;// return 1 to signal one return value
269 }
271 static int l_crc16(lua_State *L)
272 {
273 size_t size;
274 const char *p_str = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &size);
276 uint16_t retval = crc16_ccitt( (uint8_t*) p_str, size);
277 lua_pushinteger(L, (int) retval);
278 return 1;
279 }
281 /**
282 * @brief Sets the lua path to include "./lualibs/?.lua", in order for a script to be
283 * able to do "require('foobar')" if foobar.lua is within lualibs folder.
284 * Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4125971/setting-the-global-lua-path-variable-from-c-c
285 * @param L
286 * @param path
287 * @return
288 */
289 int setLuaPath( lua_State* L, const char* path )
290 {
291 lua_getglobal( L, "package" );
292 lua_getfield( L, -1, "path" ); // get field "path" from table at top of stack (-1)
293 const char* cur_path = lua_tostring( L, -1 ); // grab path string from top of stack
294 int requiredLength = strlen(cur_path)+ strlen(path)+10; //A few bytes too many, whatever we can afford it
295 char * buf = malloc(requiredLength);
296 snprintf(buf, requiredLength, "%s;%s", cur_path, path);
297 lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of the string on the stack we just pushed on line 5
298 lua_pushstring( L, buf ); // push the new one
299 lua_setfield( L, -2, "path" ); // set the field "path" in table at -2 with value at top of stack
300 lua_pop( L, 1 ); // get rid of package table from top of stack
301 return 0; // all done!
302 }
305 int set_pm3_libraries(lua_State *L)
306 {
308 static const luaL_Reg libs[] = {
309 {"SendCommand", l_SendCommand},
310 {"WaitForResponseTimeout", l_WaitForResponseTimeout},
311 {"nonce2key", l_nonce2key},
312 //{"PrintAndLog", l_PrintAndLog},
313 {"foobar", l_foobar},
314 {"ukbhit", l_ukbhit},
315 {"clearCommandBuffer", l_clearCommandBuffer},
316 {"console", l_CmdConsole},
317 {"iso15693_crc", l_iso15693_crc},
318 {"aes", l_aes},
319 {"crc16", l_crc16},
320 {NULL, NULL}
321 };
323 lua_pushglobaltable(L);
324 // Core library is in this table. Contains '
325 //this is 'pm3' table
326 lua_newtable(L);
328 //Put the function into the hash table.
329 for (int i = 0; libs[i].name; i++) {
330 lua_pushcfunction(L, libs[i].func);
331 lua_setfield(L, -2, libs[i].name);//set the name, pop stack
332 }
333 //Name of 'core'
334 lua_setfield(L, -2, "core");
336 //-- remove the global environment table from the stack
337 lua_pop(L, 1);
339 //-- Last but not least, add to the LUA_PATH (package.path in lua)
340 // so we can load libraries from the ./lualib/ - directory
341 setLuaPath(L,"./lualibs/?.lua");
343 return 1;
344 }
Impressum, Datenschutz