]> cvs.zerfleddert.de Git - proxmark3-svn/blob - client/cmdhflegic.c
Some work on iclass dump and iclass list, now the dumping is a lot more stable. I...
[proxmark3-svn] / client / cmdhflegic.c
1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (C) 2010 iZsh <izsh at fail0verflow.com>
3 //
4 // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
5 // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
6 // the license.
7 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 // High frequency Legic commands
9 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <string.h>
13 //#include "proxusb.h"
14 #include "proxmark3.h"
15 #include "data.h"
16 #include "ui.h"
17 #include "cmdparser.h"
18 #include "cmdhflegic.h"
19 #include "cmdmain.h"
21 static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
23 static command_t CommandTable[] =
24 {
25 {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
26 {"decode", CmdLegicDecode, 0, "Display deobfuscated and decoded LEGIC RF tag data (use after hf legic reader)"},
27 {"reader", CmdLegicRFRead, 0, "[offset [length]] -- read bytes from a LEGIC card"},
28 {"save", CmdLegicSave, 0, "<filename> [<length>] -- Store samples"},
29 {"load", CmdLegicLoad, 0, "<filename> -- Restore samples"},
30 {"sim", CmdLegicRfSim, 0, "[phase drift [frame drift [req/resp drift]]] Start tag simulator (use after load or read)"},
31 {"write", CmdLegicRfWrite,0, "<offset> <length> -- Write sample buffer (user after load or read)"},
32 {"fill", CmdLegicRfFill, 0, "<offset> <length> <value> -- Fill/Write tag with constant value"},
33 {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
34 };
36 int CmdHFLegic(const char *Cmd)
37 {
38 CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd);
39 return 0;
40 }
42 int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd)
43 {
44 CmdsHelp(CommandTable);
45 return 0;
46 }
48 /*
49 * Output BigBuf and deobfuscate LEGIC RF tag data.
50 * This is based on information given in the talk held
51 * by Henryk Ploetz and Karsten Nohl at 26c3
52 */
53 int CmdLegicDecode(const char *Cmd)
54 {
55 int i, j, k, n;
56 int segment_len = 0;
57 int segment_flag = 0;
58 int stamp_len = 0;
59 int crc = 0;
60 int wrp = 0;
61 int wrc = 0;
62 uint8_t data_buf[1024]; // receiver buffer
63 char out_string[3076]; // just use big buffer - bad practice
64 char token_type[4];
66 // copy data from proxmark into buffer
67 GetFromBigBuf(data_buf,sizeof(data_buf),0);
68 WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK,NULL);
70 // Output CDF System area (9 bytes) plus remaining header area (12 bytes)
72 PrintAndLog("\nCDF: System Area");
74 PrintAndLog("MCD: %02x, MSN: %02x %02x %02x, MCC: %02x",
75 data_buf[0],
76 data_buf[1],
77 data_buf[2],
78 data_buf[3],
79 data_buf[4]
80 );
82 crc = data_buf[4];
84 switch (data_buf[5]&0x7f) {
85 case 0x00 ... 0x2f:
86 strncpy(token_type, "IAM",sizeof(token_type));
87 break;
88 case 0x30 ... 0x6f:
89 strcpy(token_type, "SAM");
90 break;
91 case 0x70 ... 0x7f:
92 strcpy(token_type, "GAM");
93 break;
94 default:
95 strcpy(token_type, "???");
96 break;
97 }
99 stamp_len = 0xfc - data_buf[6];
101 PrintAndLog("DCF: %02x %02x, Token_Type=%s (OLE=%01u), Stamp_len=%02u",
102 data_buf[5],
103 data_buf[6],
104 token_type,
105 (data_buf[5]&0x80)>>7,
106 stamp_len
107 );
109 PrintAndLog("WRP=%02u, WRC=%01u, RD=%01u, raw=%02x, SSC=%02x",
110 data_buf[7]&0x0f,
111 (data_buf[7]&0x70)>>4,
112 (data_buf[7]&0x80)>>7,
113 data_buf[7],
114 data_buf[8]
115 );
117 PrintAndLog("Remaining Header Area");
119 PrintAndLog("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
120 data_buf[9],
121 data_buf[10],
122 data_buf[11],
123 data_buf[12],
124 data_buf[13],
125 data_buf[14],
126 data_buf[15],
127 data_buf[16],
128 data_buf[17],
129 data_buf[18],
130 data_buf[19],
131 data_buf[20],
132 data_buf[21]
133 );
135 PrintAndLog("\nADF: User Area");
137 i = 22;
138 for (n=0; n<64; n++) {
139 segment_len = ((data_buf[i+1]^crc)&0x0f) * 256 + (data_buf[i]^crc);
140 segment_flag = ((data_buf[i+1]^crc)&0xf0)>>4;
142 wrp = (data_buf[i+2]^crc);
143 wrc = ((data_buf[i+3]^crc)&0x70)>>4;
145 PrintAndLog("Segment %02u: raw header=%02x %02x %02x %02x, flag=%01x (valid=%01u, last=%01u), len=%04u, WRP=%02u, WRC=%02u, RD=%01u, CRC=%02x",
146 n,
147 data_buf[i]^crc,
148 data_buf[i+1]^crc,
149 data_buf[i+2]^crc,
150 data_buf[i+3]^crc,
151 segment_flag,
152 (segment_flag&0x4)>>2,
153 (segment_flag&0x8)>>3,
154 segment_len,
155 wrp,
156 wrc,
157 ((data_buf[i+3]^crc)&0x80)>>7,
158 (data_buf[i+4]^crc)
159 );
161 i+=5;
163 if (wrc>0) {
164 PrintAndLog("WRC protected area:");
165 for (k=0, j=0; k < wrc && j<(sizeof(out_string)-3); k++, i++, j += 3) {
166 sprintf(&out_string[j], "%02x", (data_buf[i]^crc));
167 out_string[j+2] = ' ';
168 };
170 out_string[j] = '\0';
172 PrintAndLog("%s", out_string);
173 }
175 if (wrp>wrc) {
176 PrintAndLog("Remaining write protected area:");
178 for (k=0, j=0; k < (wrp-wrc) && j<(sizeof(out_string)-3); k++, i++, j += 3) {
179 sprintf(&out_string[j], "%02x", (data_buf[i]^crc));
180 out_string[j+2] = ' ';
181 };
183 out_string[j] = '\0';
185 PrintAndLog("%s", out_string);
186 if((wrp-wrc) == 8) {
187 sprintf(out_string,"Card ID: %2X%02X%02X",data_buf[i-4]^crc,data_buf[i-3]^crc,data_buf[i-2]^crc);
188 PrintAndLog("%s", out_string);
189 }
190 }
192 PrintAndLog("Remaining segment payload:");
193 for (k=0, j=0; k < (segment_len - wrp - 5) && j<(sizeof(out_string)-3); k++, i++, j += 3) {
194 sprintf(&out_string[j], "%02x", (data_buf[i]^crc));
195 out_string[j+2] = ' ';
196 };
198 out_string[j] = '\0';
200 PrintAndLog("%s", out_string);
202 // end with last segment
203 if (segment_flag & 0x8)
204 return 0;
205 };
206 return 0;
207 }
209 int CmdLegicRFRead(const char *Cmd)
210 {
211 int byte_count=0,offset=0;
212 sscanf(Cmd, "%i %i", &offset, &byte_count);
213 if(byte_count == 0) byte_count = -1;
214 if(byte_count + offset > 1024) byte_count = 1024 - offset;
215 UsbCommand c={CMD_READER_LEGIC_RF, {offset, byte_count, 0}};
216 SendCommand(&c);
217 return 0;
218 }
220 int CmdLegicLoad(const char *Cmd)
221 {
222 FILE *f = fopen(Cmd, "r");
223 if(!f) {
224 PrintAndLog("couldn't open '%s'", Cmd);
225 return -1;
226 }
227 char line[80]; int offset = 0; unsigned int data[8];
228 while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
229 int res = sscanf(line, "%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x",
230 &data[0], &data[1], &data[2], &data[3],
231 &data[4], &data[5], &data[6], &data[7]);
232 if(res != 8) {
233 PrintAndLog("Error: could not read samples");
234 fclose(f);
235 return -1;
236 }
237 UsbCommand c={CMD_DOWNLOADED_SIM_SAMPLES_125K, {offset, 0, 0}};
238 int j; for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
239 c.d.asBytes[j] = data[j];
240 }
241 SendCommand(&c);
242 WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK, NULL);
243 offset += 8;
244 }
245 fclose(f);
246 PrintAndLog("loaded %u samples", offset);
247 return 0;
248 }
250 int CmdLegicSave(const char *Cmd)
251 {
252 int requested = 1024;
253 int offset = 0;
254 int delivered = 0;
255 char filename[1024];
256 uint8_t got[1024];
258 sscanf(Cmd, " %s %i %i", filename, &requested, &offset);
260 /* If no length given save entire legic read buffer */
261 /* round up to nearest 8 bytes so the saved data can be used with legicload */
262 if (requested == 0) {
263 requested = 1024;
264 }
265 if (requested % 8 != 0) {
266 int remainder = requested % 8;
267 requested = requested + 8 - remainder;
268 }
270 if (offset + requested > sizeof(got)) {
271 PrintAndLog("Tried to read past end of buffer, <bytes> + <offset> > 1024");
272 return 0;
273 }
275 FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w");
276 if(!f) {
277 PrintAndLog("couldn't open '%s'", Cmd+1);
278 return -1;
279 }
281 GetFromBigBuf(got,requested,offset);
282 WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK,NULL);
284 for (int j = 0; j < requested; j += 8) {
285 fprintf(f, "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
286 got[j+0],
287 got[j+1],
288 got[j+2],
289 got[j+3],
290 got[j+4],
291 got[j+5],
292 got[j+6],
293 got[j+7]
294 );
295 delivered += 8;
296 if (delivered >= requested)
297 break;
298 }
300 fclose(f);
301 PrintAndLog("saved %u samples", delivered);
302 return 0;
303 }
305 int CmdLegicRfSim(const char *Cmd)
306 {
308 c.arg[0] = 6;
309 c.arg[1] = 3;
310 c.arg[2] = 0;
311 sscanf(Cmd, " %"lli" %"lli" %"lli, &c.arg[0], &c.arg[1], &c.arg[2]);
312 SendCommand(&c);
313 return 0;
314 }
316 int CmdLegicRfWrite(const char *Cmd)
317 {
318 UsbCommand c={CMD_WRITER_LEGIC_RF};
319 int res = sscanf(Cmd, " 0x%"llx" 0x%"llx, &c.arg[0], &c.arg[1]);
320 if(res != 2) {
321 PrintAndLog("Please specify the offset and length as two hex strings");
322 return -1;
323 }
324 SendCommand(&c);
325 return 0;
326 }
328 int CmdLegicRfFill(const char *Cmd)
329 {
330 UsbCommand cmd ={CMD_WRITER_LEGIC_RF};
331 int res = sscanf(Cmd, " 0x%"llx" 0x%"llx" 0x%"llx, &cmd.arg[0], &cmd.arg[1], &cmd.arg[2]);
332 if(res != 3) {
333 PrintAndLog("Please specify the offset, length and value as two hex strings");
334 return -1;
335 }
337 int i;
338 UsbCommand c={CMD_DOWNLOADED_SIM_SAMPLES_125K, {0, 0, 0}};
339 for(i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
340 c.d.asBytes[i] = cmd.arg[2];
341 }
342 for(i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
343 c.arg[0] = i*48;
344 SendCommand(&c);
345 WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK,NULL);
346 }
347 SendCommand(&cmd);
348 return 0;
349 }
Impressum, Datenschutz