//see ASKDemod for what args are accepted
int CmdVisa2kDemod(const char *Cmd) {
+ // save GraphBuffer - to restore it later
+ save_restoreGB(1);
+ CmdAskEdgeDetect("");
//ASK / Manchester
bool st = TRUE;
if (!ASKDemod_ext("64 0 0", FALSE, FALSE, 1, &st)) {
if (g_debugMode) PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - Visa2k: ASK/Manchester Demod failed");
+ save_restoreGB(0);
return 0;
size_t size = DemodBufferLen;
PrintAndLog("DEBUG: Error - Visa2k: ans: %d", ans);
+ save_restoreGB(0);
return 0;
setDemodBuf(DemodBuffer, 96, ans);
// test checksums
if ( chk != calc ) {
printf("DEBUG: error: Visa2000 checksum failed %x - %x\n", chk, calc);
+ save_restoreGB(0);
return 0;
PrintAndLog("Visa2000 Tag Found: Card ID %u, Raw: %08X%08X%08X", raw2, raw1 ,raw2, raw3);
+ save_restoreGB(0);
return 1;
blocks[2] = id;
- blocks[3] = visa_chksum( id);
+ blocks[3] = visa_chksum(id);
PrintAndLog("Preparing to clone Visa2000 to T55x7 with CardId: %u", id);
PrintAndLog("Blk | Data ");
for(int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
- PrintAndLog(" %02d | 0x%08x", i , blocks[i]);
+ PrintAndLog(" %02d | 0x%08x", i , blocks[i]);
UsbCommand resp;
UsbCommand c = {CMD_T55XX_WRITE_BLOCK, {0,0,0}};