print(('Using keyA : %s'):format(keyA))
print( string.rep('--',20) )
- print('Trying to find other keys.')
if useNested then
+ print('Trying to find keys.')
core.console( ('hf mf nested 1 0 A %s d'):format(keyA) )
-- Loading keyfile
+ print('Loading dumpkeys.bin')
local infile =, "rb")
if infile == nil then
return oops('Could not read file ', input)
local blocks = {}
-- main loop
- for blockNo = 8, numBlocks-1, 1 do
+ for blockNo = 0, numBlocks-1, 1 do
+ if core.ukbhit() then
+ print("aborted by user")
+ break
+ end
+ pos = (math.floor( blockNo / 4 ) * 12)+1
+ key = akeys:sub(pos, pos + 12 )
+ cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = blockNo ,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = key}
+ local err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
+ if err then return oops(err) end
+ local blockdata, err = waitCmd()
+ if err then return oops(err) end
local b = blockNo%4
if b ~= 3 then
- pos = (math.floor( blockNo / 4 ) * 12)+1
- key = akeys:sub(pos, pos + 12 )
- cmd = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READBL, arg1 = blockNo ,arg2 = 0,arg3 = 0, data = key}
- local err = core.SendCommand(cmd:getBytes())
- if err then return oops(err) end
- local blockdata, err = waitCmd()
- if err then return oops(err) end
- local base = ('%s%s%d%s'):format(block0, block1, blockNo, hashconstant)
- local md5hash = md5.sumhexa(base)
- local aestest = core.aes(md5hash, blockdata)
- local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(16),aestest)
- -- local hexascii = string.gsub(hex, '(%x%x)',
- -- function(value)
- -- return string.char(tonumber(value, 16))
- -- end
- -- )
- if string.find(blockdata, '^0+$') then
- blocks[blockNo] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata,blockdata)
+ if blockNo < 8 then
+ -- Block 0-7 not encrypted
+ blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata,blockdata)
- --blocks[blockNo] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s :: %s '):format(blockNo,key,md5hash,hex)
- blocks[blockNo] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata,blockdata)
- end
- if core.ukbhit() then
- print("aborted by user")
- break
+ local base = ('%s%s%d%s'):format(block0, block1, blockNo, hashconstant)
+ local md5hash = md5.sumhexa(base)
+ local aestest = core.aes(md5hash, blockdata)
+ local _,hex = bin.unpack(("H%d"):format(16),aestest)
+ -- local hexascii = string.gsub(hex, '(%x%x)',
+ -- function(value)
+ -- return string.char(tonumber(value, 16))
+ -- end
+ -- )
+ if string.find(blockdata, '^0+$') then
+ blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata,blockdata)
+ else
+ --blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s :: %s '):format(blockNo,key,md5hash,hex)
+ blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata,hex)
+ end
+ else
+ -- Sectorblocks, not encrypted
+ blocks[blockNo+1] = ('%02d :: %s :: %s'):format(blockNo,blockdata,blockdata)