#include "cmdmain.h"
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
int usage_lf_awid_fskdemod(void) {
PrintAndLog("Enables AWID26 compatible reader mode printing details of scanned AWID26 tags.");
PrintAndLog("By default, values are printed and logged until the button is pressed or another USB command is issued.");
PrintAndLog("If the ['1'] option is provided, reader mode is exited after reading a single AWID26 card.");
PrintAndLog("Usage: lf awid fskdemod ['1']");
- PrintAndLog(" Options : ");
+ PrintAndLog("Options :");
PrintAndLog(" 1 : (optional) stop after reading a single card");
PrintAndLog(" sample : lf awid fskdemod");
PrintAndLog("Per AWID26 format, the facility-code is 8-bit and the card number is 16-bit. Larger values are truncated.");
PrintAndLog("Usage: lf awid sim <Facility-Code> <Card-Number>");
- PrintAndLog(" Options : ");
- PrintAndLog(" <Facility-Code> : 8-bit value representing the AWID facility code");
- PrintAndLog(" <Card Number> : 16-bit value representing the AWID card number");
+ PrintAndLog("Options :");
+ PrintAndLog(" <Facility-Code> : 8-bit value AWID facility code");
+ PrintAndLog(" <Card Number> : 16-bit value AWID card number");
- PrintAndLog(" sample : lf awid sim 224 1337");
+ PrintAndLog("sample : lf awid sim 224 1337");
return 0;
PrintAndLog("Per AWID26 format, the facility-code is 8-bit and the card number is 16-bit. Larger values are truncated.");
PrintAndLog("Usage: lf awid clone <Facility-Code> <Card-Number>");
- PrintAndLog(" Options : ");
- PrintAndLog(" <Facility-Code> : 8-bit value representing the AWID facility code");
- PrintAndLog(" <Card Number> : 16-bit value representing the AWID card number");
+ PrintAndLog("Options :");
+ PrintAndLog(" <Facility-Code> : 8-bit value AWID facility code");
+ PrintAndLog(" <Card Number> : 16-bit value AWID card number");
- PrintAndLog(" sample : lf awid clone 224 1337");
+ PrintAndLog("sample : lf awid clone 224 1337");
return 0;
-int CmdAWIDDemodFSK(const char *Cmd)
- int findone=0;
- if(Cmd[0]=='1') findone=1;
- if (Cmd[0]=='h' || Cmd[0] == 'H') return usage_lf_awid_fskdemod();
- UsbCommand c={CMD_AWID_DEMOD_FSK};
- c.arg[0]=findone;
+int CmdAWIDDemodFSK(const char *Cmd) {
+ int findone = 0;
+ if (Cmd[0] == 'h' || Cmd[0] == 'H') return usage_lf_awid_fskdemod();
+ if (Cmd[0] == '1') findone = 1;
+ UsbCommand c = {CMD_AWID_DEMOD_FSK, {findone, 0, 0}};
return 0;
int getAWIDBits(unsigned int fc, unsigned int cn, uint8_t *AWIDBits)
- int i;
- uint32_t fcode=(fc & 0x000000FF), cnum=(cn & 0x0000FFFF), uBits=0;
- if (fcode != fc)
- PrintAndLog("NOTE: Facility code truncated for AWID26 format (8-bit facility code)");
- if (cnum!=cn)
- PrintAndLog("NOTE: Card number was truncated for AWID26 format (16-bit card number)");
- AWIDBits[0] = 0x01; // 6-bit Preamble with 2 parity bits
- AWIDBits[1] = 0x1D; // First byte from card format (26-bit) plus parity bits
- AWIDBits[2] = 0x80; // Set the next two bits as 0b10 to finish card format
- uBits = (fcode<<4) + (cnum>>12);
- if (!parityTest(uBits,12,0))
- AWIDBits[2] |= (1<<5); // If not already even parity, set bit to make even
- uBits = AWIDBits[2]>>5;
- if (!parityTest(uBits, 3, 1))
- AWIDBits[2] |= (1<<4);
- uBits = fcode>>5; // first 3 bits of facility-code
- AWIDBits[2] += (uBits<<1);
- if (!parityTest(uBits, 3, 1))
- AWIDBits[2]++; // Set parity bit to make odd parity
- uBits = (fcode & 0x1C)>>2;
- AWIDBits[3] = 0;
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[3] |= (1<<4);
- AWIDBits[3] += (uBits<<5);
- uBits = ((fcode & 0x3)<<1) + ((cnum & 0x8000)>>15); // Grab/shift 2 LSBs from facility code and add shifted MSB from cardnum
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[3]++; // Set LSB for parity
- AWIDBits[3]+= (uBits<<1);
- uBits = (cnum & 0x7000)>>12;
- AWIDBits[4] = uBits<<5;
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[4] |= (1<<4);
- uBits = (cnum & 0x0E00)>>9;
- AWIDBits[4] += (uBits<<1);
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[4]++; // Set LSB for parity
- uBits = (cnum & 0x1C0)>>6; // Next bits from card number
- AWIDBits[5]=(uBits<<5);
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[5] |= (1<<4); // Set odd parity bit as needed
- uBits = (cnum & 0x38)>>3;
- AWIDBits[5]+= (uBits<<1);
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[5]++; // Set odd parity bit as needed
- uBits = (cnum & 0x7); // Last three bits from card number!
- AWIDBits[6] = (uBits<<5);
- if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1))
- AWIDBits[6] |= (1<<4);
- uBits = (cnum & 0x0FFF);
- if (!parityTest(uBits,12,1))
- AWIDBits[6] |= (1<<3);
- else
- AWIDBits[6]++;
- for (i = 7; i<12; i++)
- AWIDBits[i]=0x11;
- return 1;
+ //int i;
+ uint32_t fcode = (fc & 0x000000FF);
+ uint32_t cnum = (cn & 0x0000FFFF);
+ uint32_t uBits = 0;
+ if (fcode != fc)
+ PrintAndLog("NOTE: Facility code truncated for AWID26 format (8-bit facility code)");
+ if (cnum!=cn)
+ PrintAndLog("NOTE: Card number was truncated for AWID26 format (16-bit card number)");
+ uint8_t pre[] = {0x01, 0x1D, 0x80, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11};
+ memcpy(AWIDBits, pre , sizeof(pre));
+ // AWIDBits[0] = 0x01; // 6-bit Preamble with 2 parity bits
+ // AWIDBits[1] = 0x1D; // First byte from card format (26-bit) plus parity bits
+ // AWIDBits[2] = 0x80; // Set the next two bits as 0b10 to finish card format
+ // for (i = 7; i<12; i++)
+ // AWIDBits[i]=0x11;
+ uBits = (fcode<<4) + (cnum>>12);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,12,0)) AWIDBits[2] |= (1<<5); // If not already even parity, set bit to make even
+ uBits = AWIDBits[2]>>5;
+ if (!parityTest(uBits, 3, 1)) AWIDBits[2] |= (1<<4);
+ uBits = fcode>>5; // first 3 bits of facility-code
+ AWIDBits[2] += (uBits<<1);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits, 3, 1)) AWIDBits[2]++; // Set parity bit to make odd parity
+ uBits = (fcode & 0x1C)>>2;
+ AWIDBits[3] = 0;
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[3] |= (1<<4);
+ AWIDBits[3] += (uBits<<5);
+ uBits = ((fcode & 0x3)<<1) + ((cnum & 0x8000)>>15); // Grab/shift 2 LSBs from facility code and add shifted MSB from cardnum
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[3]++; // Set LSB for parity
+ AWIDBits[3]+= (uBits<<1);
+ uBits = (cnum & 0x7000)>>12;
+ AWIDBits[4] = uBits<<5;
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[4] |= (1<<4);
+ uBits = (cnum & 0x0E00)>>9;
+ AWIDBits[4] += (uBits<<1);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[4]++; // Set LSB for parity
+ uBits = (cnum & 0x1C0)>>6; // Next bits from card number
+ AWIDBits[5]=(uBits<<5);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[5] |= (1<<4); // Set odd parity bit as needed
+ uBits = (cnum & 0x38)>>3;
+ AWIDBits[5]+= (uBits<<1);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[5]++; // Set odd parity bit as needed
+ uBits = (cnum & 0x7); // Last three bits from card number!
+ AWIDBits[6] = (uBits<<5);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,3,1)) AWIDBits[6] |= (1<<4);
+ uBits = (cnum & 0x0FFF);
+ if (!parityTest(uBits,12,1))
+ AWIDBits[6] |= (1<<3);
+ else
+ AWIDBits[6]++;
+ return 1;
int CmdAWIDSim(const char *Cmd)
- uint32_t fcode = 0, cnum = 0, fc=0, cn=0, i=0;
- uint8_t *BS, BitStream[12];
- uint64_t arg1 = (10<<8) + 8; // fcHigh = 10, fcLow = 8
- uint64_t arg2 = 50; // clk RF/50 invert=0
- BS = BitStream;
- if (sscanf(Cmd, "%u %u", &fc, &cn ) != 2) {
- return usage_lf_awid_sim();
- }
- fcode=(fc & 0x000000FF);
- cnum=(cn & 0x0000FFFF);
- if (fc!=fcode)
- PrintAndLog("Facility-Code (%u) truncated to 8-bits: %u",fc,fcode);
- if (cn!=cnum)
- PrintAndLog("Card number (%u) truncated to 16-bits: %u",cn,cnum);
- PrintAndLog("Emulating AWID26 -- FC: %u; CN: %u\n",fcode,cnum);
- PrintAndLog("Press pm3-button to abort simulation or run another command");
- // AWID uses: fcHigh: 10, fcLow: 8, clk: 50, invert: 0
- if (getAWIDBits(fc, cn, BS)) {
- PrintAndLog("Running 'lf simfsk c 50 H 10 L 8 d %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x'",
- BS[0],BS[1],BS[2],BS[3],BS[4],BS[5],BS[6],
- BS[7],BS[8],BS[9],BS[10],BS[11]);
- } else
- PrintAndLog("Error with tag bitstream generation.");
- UsbCommand c;
- c.cmd = CMD_FSK_SIM_TAG;
- c.arg[0] = arg1; // fcHigh<<8 + fcLow
- c.arg[1] = arg2; // Inversion and clk setting
- c.arg[2] = 96; // Bitstream length: 96-bits == 12 bytes
- for (i=0; i < 96; i++)
- c.d.asBytes[i] = (BS[i/8] & (1<<(7-(i%8))))?1:0;
- clearCommandBuffer();
- SendCommand(&c);
- return 0;
+ uint32_t fcode = 0, cnum = 0, fc=0, cn=0, i=0;
+ uint8_t bits[12];
+ uint8_t *bs=bits;
+ uint64_t arg1 = (10<<8) + 8; // fcHigh = 10, fcLow = 8
+ uint64_t arg2 = 50; // clk RF/50 invert=0
+ if (sscanf(Cmd, "%u %u", &fc, &cn ) != 2) return usage_lf_awid_sim();
+ fcode = (fc & 0x000000FF);
+ cnum = (cn & 0x0000FFFF);
+ if (fc!=fcode) PrintAndLog("Facility-Code (%u) truncated to 8-bits: %u", fc, fcode);
+ if (cn!=cnum) PrintAndLog("Card number (%u) truncated to 16-bits: %u", cn, cnum);
+ PrintAndLog("Emulating AWID26 -- FC: %u; CN: %u\n", fcode, cnum);
+ PrintAndLog("Press pm3-button to abort simulation or run another command");
+ if (!getAWIDBits(fc, cn, bs)) {
+ PrintAndLog("Error with tag bitstream generation.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // AWID uses: fcHigh: 10, fcLow: 8, clk: 50, invert: 0
+ PrintAndLog("Running 'lf simfsk c 50 H 10 L 8 d %s'", sprint_hex(bs, sizeof(bs)));
+ // arg1 --- fcHigh<<8 + fcLow
+ // arg2 --- Inversion and clk setting
+ // 96 --- Bitstream length: 96-bits == 12 bytes
+ UsbCommand c = {CMD_FSK_SIM_TAG, {arg1, arg2, 96}};
+ for (i=0; i < 96; i++)
+ c.d.asBytes[i] = (bs[i/8] & (1<<(7-(i%8)))) ? 1 : 0;
+ clearCommandBuffer();
+ SendCommand(&c);
+ return 0;
int CmdAWIDClone(const char *Cmd)
- clearCommandBuffer();
- uint32_t fc=0,cn=0,blocks[4] = {0x00107060, 0, 0, 0x11111111}, i=0;
- uint8_t BitStream[12];
- uint8_t *BS=BitStream;
- UsbCommand c, resp;
- if (sscanf(Cmd, "%u %u", &fc, &cn ) != 2) {
- return usage_lf_awid_clone();
- }
+ uint32_t blocks[4] = {0x00107060, 0, 0, 0x11111111};
+ uint32_t fc=0, cn=0, i=0;
+ uint8_t bits[12];
+ uint8_t *bs=bits;
+ if (sscanf(Cmd, "%u %u", &fc, &cn ) != 2) return usage_lf_awid_clone();
if ((fc & 0xFF) != fc) {
fc &= 0xFF;
cn &= 0xFFFF;
PrintAndLog("Card Number Truncated to 16-bits (AWID26): %u", cn);
+ if ( !getAWIDBits(fc, cn, bs)) {
+ PrintAndLog("Error with tag bitstream generation.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ PrintAndLog("Preparing to clone AWID26 to T55x7 with FC: %u, CN: %u ", fc, cn);
+ PrintAndLog("Raw: %s", sprint_hex(bs, sizeof(bs)));
+ blocks[1] = (bs[0]<<24) + (bs[1]<<16) + (bs[2]<<8) + (bs[3]);
+ blocks[2] = (bs[4]<<24) + (bs[5]<<16) + (bs[6]<<8) + (bs[7]);
+ PrintAndLog("Blk | Data ");
+ PrintAndLog("----+------------");
+ PrintAndLog(" 00 | 0x%08x", blocks[0]);
+ PrintAndLog(" 01 | 0x%08x", blocks[1]);
+ PrintAndLog(" 02 | 0x%08x", blocks[2]);
+ PrintAndLog(" 03 | 0x%08x", blocks[3]);
+ UsbCommand resp;
+ UsbCommand c = {CMD_T55XX_WRITE_BLOCK, {0,0,0}};
- if (getAWIDBits(fc,cn,BS)) {
- PrintAndLog("Preparing to clone AWID26 to T55x7 with FC: %u, CN: %u (Raw: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x)",
- fc,cn, BS[0],BS[1],BS[2],BS[3],BS[4],BS[5],BS[6],BS[7],BS[8],BS[9],BS[10],BS[11]);
- blocks[1] = (BS[0]<<24) + (BS[1]<<16) + (BS[2]<<8) + (BS[3]);
- blocks[2] = (BS[4]<<24) + (BS[5]<<16) + (BS[6]<<8) + (BS[7]);
- PrintAndLog("Block 0: 0x%08x", blocks[0]);
- PrintAndLog("Block 1: 0x%08x", blocks[1]);
- PrintAndLog("Block 2: 0x%08x", blocks[2]);
- PrintAndLog("Block 3: 0x%08x", blocks[3]);
- for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
- c.cmd = CMD_T55XX_WRITE_BLOCK;
- c.arg[0] = blocks[i];
- c.arg[1] = i;
- c.arg[2] = 0;
- SendCommand(&c);
- if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1000)){
- PrintAndLog("Error occurred, device did not respond during write operation.");
- return -1;
- }
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ c.arg[0] = blocks[i];
+ c.arg[1] = i;
+ clearCommandBuffer();
+ SendCommand(&c);
+ if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1000)){
+ PrintAndLog("Error occurred, device did not respond during write operation.");
+ return -1;
return 0;
} else {\r
clk = GetAskClock("", FALSE, FALSE);\r
if (clk>0) {\r
- if ( ASKDemod("0 0 1", TRUE, FALSE, 1) && test(DEMOD_ASK, &tests[hits].offset, &bitRate, clk, &tests[hits].Q5)) {\r
+ if ( ASKDemod("0 0 1", FALSE, FALSE, 1) && test(DEMOD_ASK, &tests[hits].offset, &bitRate, clk, &tests[hits].Q5)) {\r
tests[hits].modulation = DEMOD_ASK;\r
tests[hits].bitrate = bitRate;\r
tests[hits].inverted = FALSE;\r
tests[hits].block0 = PackBits(tests[hits].offset, 32, DemodBuffer);\r
- if ( ASKDemod("0 1 1", TRUE, FALSE, 1) && test(DEMOD_ASK, &tests[hits].offset, &bitRate, clk, &tests[hits].Q5)) {\r
+ if ( ASKDemod("0 1 1", FALSE, FALSE, 1) && test(DEMOD_ASK, &tests[hits].offset, &bitRate, clk, &tests[hits].Q5)) {\r
tests[hits].modulation = DEMOD_ASK;\r
tests[hits].bitrate = bitRate;\r
tests[hits].inverted = TRUE;\r
UsbCommand resp;\r
c.d.asBytes[0] = (page1) ? 0x2 : 0; \r
- PrintAndLog("Writing to page: %d block: %d data : 0x%08X", page1, block, data);\r
+ char pwdStr[16] = {0};\r
+ snprintf(pwdStr, sizeof(pwdStr), "pwd: 0x%08X", password);\r
+ \r
+ PrintAndLog("Writing page %d block: %02d data: 0x%08X %s", page1, block, data, (usepwd) ? pwdStr : "" );\r
//Password mode\r
if (usepwd) {\r
c.arg[2] = password;\r
c.d.asBytes[0] |= 0x1; \r
- PrintAndLog("pwd : 0x%08X", password);\r
if (!WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &resp, 1000)){\r
PrintAndLog("Error occurred, device did not ACK write operation. (May be due to old firmware)");\r
- return 0;\r
+ return 0;\r
return 1;\r
void t55x7_create_config_block( int tagtype ){\r
- //switch?\r
- \r
- \r
-uint32_t PackBits(uint8_t start, uint8_t len, uint8_t* bits){\r
+ /*\r
+ */\r
+ static char buf[60];\r
+ char *retStr = buf;\r
- int i = start;\r
- int j = len-1;\r
- if (len > 32) return 0;\r
- uint32_t tmp = 0;\r
- for (; j >= 0; --j, ++i)\r
- tmp |= bits[i] << j;\r
- return tmp;\r
+ switch (id){\r
+ case 0: snprintf(retStr, sizeof(buf),"%08X - T55X7 Default", T55X7_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BLOCK); break;\r
+ case 1: snprintf(retStr, sizeof(buf),"%08X - T55X7 Raw", T55X7_RAW_CONFIG_BLOCK); break;\r
+ default:\r
+ break;\r
+ }\r
+ PrintAndLog(buf);\r
int CmdResetRead(const char *Cmd) {\r
UsbCommand c = {CMD_T55XX_RESET_READ, {0,0,0}};\r
int CmdT55xxWipe(const char *Cmd) {\r
char writeData[20] = {0};\r
char *ptrData = writeData;\r
- uint8_t blk = 0;\r
+ \r
PrintAndLog("\nBeginning Wipe of a T55xx tag (assuming the tag is not password protected)\n");\r
+ \r
//try with the default password to reset block 0 (with a pwd should work even if pwd bit not set)\r
- snprintf(ptrData,sizeof(writeData),"b %d d 00088040 p 0", blk);\r
- if (!CmdT55xxWriteBlock(ptrData)){\r
- PrintAndLog("Error writing blk %d", blk);\r
- }\r
- blk = 1;\r
- for (; blk<8; blk++) {\r
+ snprintf(ptrData,sizeof(writeData),"b 0 d 000880E0 p 0");\r
+ \r
+ if (!CmdT55xxWriteBlock(ptrData))\r
+ PrintAndLog("Error writing blk 0");\r
+ \r
+ for (uint8_t blk = 1; blk<8; blk++) {\r
+ \r
snprintf(ptrData,sizeof(writeData),"b %d d 0", blk);\r
- if (!CmdT55xxWriteBlock(ptrData)){\r
+ \r
+ if (!CmdT55xxWriteBlock(ptrData)) \r
PrintAndLog("Error writing blk %d", blk);\r
- }\r
+ \r
+ memset(writeData, sizeof(writeData), 0x00);\r
return 0;\r