FIX: removed some unneeded calls to ul_switch_off_field.
FIX: once again the OTP is printed nevertheless if its a NDEF CC
PrintAndLog(" BCC1 : %02X, crc should be %02X", data[8], crc1 );
PrintAndLog(" Internal : %02X, %sdefault", data[9], (data[9]==0x48)?"":"not " );
PrintAndLog(" BCC1 : %02X, crc should be %02X", data[8], crc1 );
PrintAndLog(" Internal : %02X, %sdefault", data[9], (data[9]==0x48)?"":"not " );
- PrintAndLog(" Lock : %s - %s", sprint_hex(data+10, 2),printBits( 2, data+10) );
- // if Page3 has NDEF magic number, its not a OTP..
- if ( data[12] != 0xE1 )
- PrintAndLog("OneTimePad : %s\n", sprint_hex(data + 12, 4));
+ PrintAndLog(" Lock : %s - %s",
+ sprint_hex(data+10, 2),
+ printBits(2, data+10)
+ );
+ PrintAndLog("OneTimePad : %s - %s\n",
+ sprint_hex(data + 12, 4),
+ printBits(4, data+12)
+ );
status = ul_read(0, data, sizeof(data));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ A");
status = ul_read(0, data, sizeof(data));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ A");
status = ul_read(0x28, ulc_conf, sizeof(ulc_conf));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ - possibly locked");
status = ul_read(0x28, ulc_conf, sizeof(ulc_conf));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ - possibly locked");
status = ul_read(0x2C, ulc_deskey, sizeof(ulc_deskey));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ magic");
status = ul_read(0x2C, ulc_deskey, sizeof(ulc_deskey));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ magic");
return status;
return status;
status = ulev1_readSignature( ulev1_signature, sizeof(ulev1_signature));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ SIGNATURE");
status = ulev1_readSignature( ulev1_signature, sizeof(ulev1_signature));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ SIGNATURE");
return status;
ulev1_print_signature( ulev1_signature, sizeof(ulev1_signature));
return status;
ulev1_print_signature( ulev1_signature, sizeof(ulev1_signature));
status = ulev1_getVersion(version, sizeof(version));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to GET_VERSION");
status = ulev1_getVersion(version, sizeof(version));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to GET_VERSION");
return status;
return status;
status = ul_read(3, cc, sizeof(cc));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ ntag");
status = ul_read(3, cc, sizeof(cc));
if ( status == -1 ){
PrintAndLog("Error: tag didn't answer to READ ntag");
return status;
return status;