+ // iceman, FpgaSetupSsc() ?? the code above? can it be replaced?
// modulate antenna
size = removeParity(dest, idx+8, 4, 1, 88);
if (size != 66) continue;
- // ok valid card found!
// Index map
// 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
// 00011010 1 01110101 0000000010001110 1 000000000000000000000000000000000
// bbbbbbbb w ffffffff cccccccccccccccc w xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
// |26 bit| |-117--| |-----142------|
+ //
+ // 00110010 0 0000011111010000000000000001000100101000100001111 0 00000000
+ // bbbbbbbb w ffffffffffffffffccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc w xxxxxxxx
+ // |50 bit| |----4000------||-----------2248975-------------|
+ //
// b = format bit len, o = odd parity of last 3 bits
// f = facility code, c = card number
// w = wiegand parity
- // (26 bit format shown)
uint32_t fc = 0;
uint32_t cardnum = 0;
uint32_t code1 = 0;
uint32_t code2 = 0;
uint8_t fmtLen = bytebits_to_byte(dest,8);
- if (fmtLen==26){
- fc = bytebits_to_byte(dest+9, 8);
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest+17, 16);
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen);
- Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else {
- cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-17), 16);
- if (fmtLen>32){
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen-32);
- code2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-32),32);
- Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x%08x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, code2, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- } else{
- code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen);
- Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
- }
+ switch(fmtLen) {
+ case 26:
+ fc = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 9, 8);
+ cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 17, 16);
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 8,fmtLen);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ fc = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 9, 16);
+ cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 25, 32);
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 8, (fmtLen-32) );
+ code2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest + 8 + (fmtLen-32), 32);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d, FC: %d, Card: %d - Wiegand: %x%08x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, fc, cardnum, code1, code2, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (fmtLen > 32 ) {
+ cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-17), 16);
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen-32);
+ code2 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-32),32);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x%08x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, code2, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ } else {
+ cardnum = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8+(fmtLen-17), 16);
+ code1 = bytebits_to_byte(dest+8,fmtLen);
+ Dbprintf("AWID Found - BitLength: %d -unknown BitLength- (%d) - Wiegand: %x, Raw: %08x%08x%08x", fmtLen, cardnum, code1, rawHi2, rawHi, rawLo);
+ }
+ break;
if (findone){
if (ledcontrol) LED_A_OFF();
- // reset
idx = 0;