static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
int usage_lf_hid_wiegand(void){
- PrintAndLog("Usage: lf hid wiegand [h] [oem] [FacilityCode] [cardnumber]");
- PrintAndLog("This command converts FC/Cardnum to wiegand code");
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf hid wiegand [h] [OEM] [FC] [CN]");
+ PrintAndLog("This command converts facility code/card number to Wiegand code");
- PrintAndLog(" h - This help");
- PrintAndLog(" oem - Oem number");
- PrintAndLog(" facilitynum - Facility number");
- PrintAndLog(" cardnum - Card number");
+ PrintAndLog(" h - This help");
+ PrintAndLog(" OEM - OEM number");
+ PrintAndLog(" FC - facility code");
+ PrintAndLog(" CN - card number");
PrintAndLog(" lf hid wiegand 0 101 2001");
return 0;
int usage_lf_hid_brute(void){
- PrintAndLog("Enables bruteforce of HID readers with specified facility-code.");
+ PrintAndLog("Enables bruteforce of HID readers with specified facility code.");
PrintAndLog("Different formatlength is supported");
PrintAndLog("This is a incremental attack against reader.");
- PrintAndLog("Usage: lf hid brute <formatlength> <Facility-Code>");
+ PrintAndLog("Usage: lf hid brute <format length> <facility code>");
PrintAndLog("Options :");
- PrintAndLog(" <formatlength> - 26|33|34|35|37|40|44|84");
- PrintAndLog(" <Facility-Code> - 8-bit value HID facility code");
+ PrintAndLog(" <format length> - 26|33|34|35|37|40|44|84");
+ PrintAndLog(" <facility code> - 8-bit value HID facility code");
PrintAndLog("Sample : lf hid brute 26 224");
return 0;
uint8_t ftmlen[] = {26,33,34,35,37,38,40};
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ftmlen); i++){
calcWiegand( ftmlen[i], fc, cardnum, &hi, &lo);
- PrintAndLog("HID %d bit | FC: %d CN: %llu | Wiegand Code: %08X%08X", ftmlen[i], fc, cardnum, hi, lo);
+ PrintAndLog("HID %d bit | OEM: %d FC: %d CN: %llu | Wiegand code: %08X%08X", ftmlen[i], oem, fc, cardnum, hi, lo);
return 0;
fc = param_get8(Cmd, 1);
if ( fc == 0) return usage_lf_hid_brute();
- PrintAndLog("Bruteforceing HID Reader");
+ PrintAndLog("Brute-forcing HID reader");
PrintAndLog("Press pm3-button to abort simulation or run another command");
for ( uint16_t cn = 1; cn < 0xFFFF; ++cn){
static command_t CommandTable[] = {
- {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
- //{"demod", CmdHIDDemod, 1, "Demodulate HID Prox Card II (not optimal)"},
- {"fskdemod",CmdHIDDemodFSK, 0, "['1'] Realtime HID FSK demodulator (option '1' for one tag only)"},
- {"sim", CmdHIDSim, 0, "<ID> -- HID tag simulator"},
- {"clone", CmdHIDClone, 0, "<ID> ['l'] -- Clone HID to T55x7 (tag must be in antenna)(option 'l' for 84bit ID)"},
- {"wiegand", CmdHIDWiegand, 0, "<oem> <fc> <cardnum> -- convert facilitycode, cardnumber to Wiegand code"},
- {"brute", CmdHIDBrute, 0, "<formatlength> <Facility-Code> -- bruteforce card number"},
+ {"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
+// {"demod", CmdHIDDemod, 1, "Demodulate HID Prox Card II (not optimal)"},
+ {"fskdemod",CmdHIDDemodFSK, 0, "['1'] Realtime HID FSK demodulator (option '1' for one tag only)"},
+ {"sim", CmdHIDSim, 0, "<ID> -- HID tag simulator"},
+ {"clone", CmdHIDClone, 0, "<ID> ['l'] -- Clone HID to T55x7 (tag must be in antenna)(option 'l' for 84bit ID)"},
+ {"wiegand", CmdHIDWiegand, 0, "<OEM> <facility code> <card number> -- convert facility code/card number to Wiegand code"},
+ {"brute", CmdHIDBrute, 0, "<format length> <facility code> -- brute force card number"},