iceman1001 [Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:14:56 +0000 (22:14 +0100)]
Minor fixes: Array inits, some array bounds checks.
ADD: some extra help text for lf snoop
ADD: HasGraphData - function in graph.c
ADD: DetectHighLowInGraph - function in graph.c
iceman1001 [Tue, 20 Jan 2015 20:29:55 +0000 (21:29 +0100)]
STEP 3 - the actual new files for Ultralight.
ADD: script remagic.lua -- a script to make a "dead" Mifare s50 generation 1 alive again.
ADD: tracetest.lua - This script will load several traces files in ../traces/ folder and do
"data load"
"lf search"
ADD: test_t55x7_psk.lua - iterates thru a lot of calls to check the new psk demods.
all new scripts implements the "-h" for help text.
Implemented new FPGA mode for iclass tag simulation. Reduces arm-side size of transfer/memory by a factor of 8. Makes for easier arm-side encoding of messages, for when we start needing to do that on the fly instead of using precalculated messages
iceman1001 [Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:48:29 +0000 (19:48 +0100)]
ADD: test_t55x7_psk.lua, a script which writes to block 0 (configation) of a T55x7 tag and tries do verify the psk demods. 12 different test configuration blocks is used.
iceman1001 [Sat, 10 Jan 2015 14:50:10 +0000 (15:50 +0100)]
ADD: scripts/tracetest.lua is a simple script that tries to load from traces folder files starting with EM* and MOD* and runs the following on them one-by-one. "Data load" ; "LF Search"
marshmellow42 [Fri, 9 Jan 2015 21:46:17 +0000 (16:46 -0500)]
lf search use new psk, small demod adjustments
adjust thresholds for ask, fsk, io, psk based on more sample testing
adjust indala decode to set clock to 32 if no input (autodetect not
always correct)
iceman1001 [Fri, 9 Jan 2015 20:45:49 +0000 (21:45 +0100)]
FIX: antenna was not turn off after "hf 14b write" command. The method is using "hf 14b raw" underneath, which meant an parameter "-p" had to be removed.
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 21:00:29 +0000 (22:00 +0100)]
FIX: a solution for the issue "hf mf esave - always saves 4K"
FIX: a solution for the issue "hf eload, esave, cload, save - filepath variable too short"
CHG: minor code clean up.
ADD: AES / CRC16 for lua. (and tnp3xx scripts.)
ADD: tnp3dump.lua script to dump tnp3xx tags.
ADD: tnp3sim.lua script to let PM3 imitate an tnp3xx tag. Needs to be tested live
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 20:06:15 +0000 (21:06 +0100)]
ADD: added a lot of ic ids to cmdhf15.c Thanks to Asper for the list.
ADD: added a manufacturer list in "hf 14a reader", only viable when UID is double or triple size. Thanks to Asper for the list.
ADD: detect chinese magic backdoor commands in "hf 14a reader"
CHG: minor code clean up.
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 18:01:00 +0000 (19:01 +0100)]
FIX: more minor issues with block Numbers.
KNOWN BUG: Right now, it kind of defaults to Block 0 when a getparam8 failes. (like writing "hf mfu rdbl k", ie a letter instead of number). This bug is the same all over the pm3 source-code.
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 17:50:51 +0000 (18:50 +0100)]
CHG: spelling errors, added help texts in cmdhfmfu.c
CHG: refactored the "hf mfu rdbl/wrbl/crdbl/wrbl" commands.
CHG: added a cauth test to "hf mfu info" command to see if the tag is a Ultralight-C tag or not.
iceman1001 [Wed, 7 Jan 2015 16:42:57 +0000 (17:42 +0100)]
REM: removed old comments in bootrom.c
CHG: mifare ultralight & desfire commands inside arm has been cleaned up. Next step is to refactor it into armsrc/mifaredesfire.c
iceman1001 [Tue, 6 Jan 2015 16:43:31 +0000 (17:43 +0100)]
CHG: rename the HF MFU * commands.
ADD: added a HF MFU INFO commmand, where you can see some tag info. Used to be in the readcard command.
FIX: minor code clean up for ultralight & desfire commands in armsrc/mifarecmd.c, armsrc/mifaredesfire.c, armsrc/mifareutil.c
CHG: Lowered the default MF_DBGLEVEL, it set to MF_DBG_ERROR.
CHG: lowered a testing value for timeout in cmdhf14a.c
iceman1001 [Tue, 6 Jan 2015 10:17:02 +0000 (11:17 +0100)]
ADD: added a lot of ic ids to cmdhf15.c Thanks to Asper for the list.
ADD: added a manufacturer list for hf 14a reader, only viable when UID is double or triple size. Thanks to Asper for the list.
ADD: Some changes from Holimans commits.
CHG: some more code clean up.
iceman1001 [Mon, 5 Jan 2015 14:51:27 +0000 (15:51 +0100)]
CHG: generic code clean up. Removal of commented code.
CHG: USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE is now used as maxsize for transfer of data between client and pm3device
CHG: suggested a fix for the underscore problem in ioclass\fileutils.c
ADD: tnp3xx support
ADD: nxp tag idents.
ADD: identifiction of chinese backdoor commands to hf 14a reader.
Added loclass-functionality into the pm3,the functionality provided by loclass can now be invoked directly from the pm3. Also fixed some issues with how prnlog called PrintAndLog, and added some testdata for the loclass self-tests
iceman1001 [Sun, 4 Jan 2015 22:43:07 +0000 (23:43 +0100)]
FIX: fixed a little bug I introduced from last commit in fskdemod
CHG: tab fixes in cmdlf.c and minor code clean up
CHG: minor variable name change, printstatement in cmddata.c
iceman1001 [Sun, 4 Jan 2015 21:49:54 +0000 (22:49 +0100)]
FIX: a shot at fixing the "_" underscore problem in fileutils.c. This one uses _ifdefine. I hope it works. Linux people can let me know if it works.
FIX: changed the DetectASKClock in lfdemod.c to correct detect all clocks in the array.
CHG: I like code with more spaces inside of it and tried change some stuff according to our codestyle in HACKING.txt
ADD: some zero checks and overflows, god knows where it was.
The T55XX commands will be rewritten to use Marshmellows lfdemod.c instead.
CHG: Made the graph window smaller.
CHG: lf read now does a "data samples" also. (less writing commands)
CHG: data samples now defaults to samples size of 20000
Reworked how 'hf 14a list' and 'hf iclass list' works, to use the same method. Now. use 'hf list 14a' and 'hf list iclass' instead. Plus, the output is now annotated (although the annotation-engine could use a bit more love from someone more familiar with the available commands
Some work on iclass dump and iclass list, now the dumping is a lot more stable. I think the comms should be measured and tuned a bit more, right now it kind of works thanks to retry-functionality, but the retries are probably not needed if we are a bit more careful about timing, so we don't send commands too fast for the tag to handle