-- Boot into macos
-- make space - the last number is the space that macos will occupy
- diskutil apfs resizeContainer disk0s2 200GB
-- run the installer, do not forget step2.sh
- curl -L https://mrcn.st/alxsh | sh
-- Once you run the install, boot into the 'Options' menu again and install u-boot:
- curl -LO https://tg.st/u/u-boot.macho
- kmutil configure-boot -c u-boot.macho -V /Volumes/Linux
-- Format a usb stick with a vfat partition on it, mount the partition and
- extract the following:
- cd /mnt
- curl -L https://tg.st/u/asahi-debian-live-2022-01-25.tar | tar -xf -
-- In u-boot interrupt the boot loop by pressing return when prompted to. Use
- the following command to boot from the usb-stick. Loading the 256 MB initrd
- takes a while.
- run bootcmd_usb0
-- Login with username 'root'. There is no password.
-- If you have an ethernet card (mini or usb dongle), than get an IP:
- dhclient eth0
-- Set the time:
- ntpdate pool.ntp.org
-- Install any software you like, for example gnome:
- apt-get install gnome
- useradd -m -c 'user' user
- passwd user
- /etc/init.d/gdm3 start
-- You can also use the live system to install Debian on the m1, the rough outline is:
- - Create two paritions:
- - One 1 GB vfat
- - Rest with ext4
- - Use debootstrap to bootstrap debian
- - Install grub
- - reboot
-The exact steps follow once I find a little bit of time.
-Kernel deb is here: https://tg.st/u/linux-image-5.16.0-asahi-next-20220118-gdcd14bb2ec40_5.16.0-asahi-next-20220118-gdcd14bb2ec40-1_arm64.deb