1 # This makefile needs to be edited to reflect the location
2 # of your own arm-elf-gcc toolchain (LIB variable)
7 OBJCOPY = arm-elf-objcopy
9 # Indicate where your gnuarm toolchain libgcc.a library is located:
10 LIB = /usr/local/new/gnuarm-4.3.0/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.3.0/interwork
12 # Add -DWITH_LCD to EXTRA_CFLAGS if you want support for LCD
13 # in your firmware (add OBJLCD to OBJ too!)
17 ### You should not need to edit below this line
19 INCLUDE = -I../include
20 INCLUDES = ../include/proxmark3.h ../include/at91sam7s128.h ../include/config_gpio.h ../include/usb_cmd.h apps.h
21 CFLAGS_COMMON = -O6 -c $(INCLUDE) -Wall -mthumb-interwork
30 OBJ = $(OBJDIR)/start.o \
33 $(OBJDIR)/iso15693.o \
34 $(OBJDIR)/iso14443.o \
38 OBJFAST = $(OBJDIR)/iso14443a.o
40 OBJFPGA = $(OBJDIR)/fpgaimg.o
42 OBJCOMMON = $(OBJDIR)/usb.o
44 all: osimage.s19 fpgaimage.s19 fullimage.s19
46 fpgaimage.s19: $(OBJFPGA)
48 $(LD) -g -Tldscript-fpga -o $(OBJDIR)/fpgaimage.elf $^
49 $(OBJCOPY) -Osrec --srec-forceS3 $(OBJDIR)/fpgaimage.elf fpgaimage.s19
51 osimage.s19: $(OBJ) $(OBJFAST) $(OBJCOMMON)
53 $(LD) -g -Tldscript -o $(OBJDIR)/osimage.elf $^ $(LIB)/libgcc.a
54 $(OBJCOPY) -Osrec --srec-forceS3 $(OBJDIR)/osimage.elf osimage.s19
56 fullimage.s19: $(OBJ) $(OBJFAST) $(OBJCOMMON) $(OBJFAST) $(OBJFPGA)
58 $(LD) -g -Tldscript-full -o $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf $^ $(LIB)/libgcc.a
59 $(OBJCOPY) -Osrec --srec-forceS3 $(OBJDIR)/fullimage.elf fullimage.s19
61 # Directives to put the *.o in the OBJDIR directory:
62 $(OBJ): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
63 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
65 $(OBJFPGA): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
66 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
68 $(OBJFAST): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.c
69 $(CC) $(CFLAGS_COMMON) $< -o $@
71 $(OBJCOMMON): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : ../common/%.c
72 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
74 # Those do not work on the current firmware !
75 flash-fpga: fpgaimage.s19
76 ../linux/flasher fpga fpgaimage.s19
79 ../linux/flasher os osimage.s19
81 jtag-flash-full: fullimage.s19
82 ../../OpenOCD/openocd -c "halt; flash write_image fullimage.s19 0x00100000; halt; reset; resume; poll; exit"
84 jtag-flash-fpga: fpgaimage.s19
85 ../../OpenOCD/openocd -c "halt; flash write_image fpgaimage.s19 0x00100000; halt; reset; resume; poll; exit"
87 jtag-flash: osimage.s19
88 ../../OpenOCD/openocd -c "halt; flash write_image osimage.s19 0x00100000; halt; reset; resume; poll; exit"
91 rm -f $(OBJDIR)/*.o $(OBJDIR)/*.elf *.s19