+void iceFsk(int * data, const size_t len){
+ //34359738 == 125khz (2^32 / 125) =
+ // parameters
+ float phase_offset = 0.00f; // carrier phase offset
+ float frequency_offset = 0.30f; // carrier frequency offset
+ float wn = 0.01f; // pll bandwidth
+ float zeta = 0.707f; // pll damping factor
+ float K = 1000; // pll loop gain
+ size_t n = len; // number of samples
+ // generate loop filter parameters (active PI design)
+ float t1 = K/(wn*wn); // tau_1
+ float t2 = 2*zeta/wn; // tau_2
+ // feed-forward coefficients (numerator)
+ float b0 = (4*K/t1)*(1.+t2/2.0f);
+ float b1 = (8*K/t1);
+ float b2 = (4*K/t1)*(1.-t2/2.0f);
+ // feed-back coefficients (denominator)
+ // a0 = 1.0 is implied
+ float a1 = -2.0f;
+ float a2 = 1.0f;
+ // filter buffer
+ float v0=0.0f, v1=0.0f, v2=0.0f;
+ // initialize states
+ float phi = phase_offset; // input signal's initial phase
+ float phi_hat = 0.0f; // PLL's initial phase
+ unsigned int i;
+ float complex x,y;
+ float complex output[n];
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ x = data[i];
+ phi += frequency_offset;
+ // generate complex sinusoid
+ y = cosf(phi_hat) + _Complex_I*sinf(phi_hat);
+ output[i] = y;
+ // compute error estimate
+ float delta_phi = cargf( x * conjf(y) );
+ // print results to standard output
+ printf(" %6u %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n",
+ i,
+ crealf(x), cimagf(x),
+ crealf(y), cimagf(y),
+ delta_phi);
+ // push result through loop filter, updating phase estimate
+ // advance buffer
+ v2 = v1; // shift center register to upper register
+ v1 = v0; // shift lower register to center register
+ // compute new lower register
+ v0 = delta_phi - v1*a1 - v2*a2;
+ // compute new output
+ phi_hat = v0*b0 + v1*b1 + v2*b2;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<len; ++i){
+ data[i] = (int)crealf(output[i]);
+ }
+/* Sliding DFT
+ Smooths out
+void iceFsk2(int * data, const size_t len){
+ int i, j;
+ int output[len];
+ // for (i=0; i<len-5; ++i){
+ // for ( j=1; j <=5; ++j) {
+ // output[i] += data[i*j];
+ // }
+ // output[i] /= 5;
+ // }
+ int rest = 127;
+ int tmp =0;
+ for (i=0; i<len; ++i){
+ if ( data[i] < 127)
+ output[i] = 0;
+ else {
+ tmp = (100 * (data[i]-rest)) / rest;
+ output[i] = (tmp > 60)? 100:0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<len; ++j)
+ data[j] = output[j];
+void iceFsk3(int * data, const size_t len){
+ int i,j;
+ int output[len];
+ float fc = 0.1125f; // center frequency
+ // create very simple low-pass filter to remove images (2nd-order Butterworth)
+ float complex iir_buf[3] = {0,0,0};
+ float b[3] = {0.003621681514929, 0.007243363029857, 0.003621681514929};
+ float a[3] = {1.000000000000000, -1.822694925196308, 0.837181651256023};
+ // process entire input file one sample at a time
+ float sample = 0; // input sample read from file
+ float complex x_prime = 1.0f; // save sample for estimating frequency
+ float complex x;
+ for (i=0; i<len; ++i) {
+ sample = data[i];
+ // remove DC offset and mix to complex baseband
+ x = (sample - 127.5f) * cexpf( _Complex_I * 2 * M_PI * fc * i );
+ // apply low-pass filter, removing spectral image (IIR using direct-form II)
+ iir_buf[2] = iir_buf[1];
+ iir_buf[1] = iir_buf[0];
+ iir_buf[0] = x - a[1]*iir_buf[1] - a[2]*iir_buf[2];
+ x = b[0]*iir_buf[0] +
+ b[1]*iir_buf[1] +
+ b[2]*iir_buf[2];
+ // compute instantaneous frequency by looking at phase difference
+ // between adjacent samples
+ float freq = cargf(x*conjf(x_prime));
+ x_prime = x; // retain this sample for next iteration
+ output[i] =(freq > 0)? 10 : -10;
+ }
+ // show data
+ for (j=0; j<len; ++j)
+ data[j] = output[j];
+ CmdLtrim("30");
+ // zero crossings.
+ for (j=0; j<len; ++j){
+ if ( data[j] == 10) break;
+ }
+ int startOne =j;
+ for (;j<len; ++j){
+ if ( data[j] == -10 ) break;
+ }
+ int stopOne = j-1;
+ int fieldlen = stopOne-startOne;
+ printf("FIELD Length: %d \n", fieldlen);
+ // FSK sequence start == 000111
+ int startPos = 0;
+ for (i =0; i<len; ++i){
+ int dec = 0;
+ for ( j = 0; j < 6*fieldlen; ++j){
+ dec += data[i + j];
+ }
+ if (dec == 0) {
+ startPos = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("000111 position: %d \n", startPos);
+ startPos += 6*fieldlen+1;
+ printf("BINARY\n");
+ printf("R/40 : ");
+ for (i =startPos ; i < len; i += 40){
+ if ( data[i] > 0 )
+ printf("1");
+ else
+ printf("0");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("R/50 : ");
+ for (i =startPos ; i < len; i += 50){
+ if ( data[i] > 0 )
+ printf("1");
+ else
+ printf("0");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+float complex cexpf (float complex Z)
+ float complex Res;
+ double rho = exp (__real__ Z);
+ __real__ Res = rho * cosf(__imag__ Z);
+ __imag__ Res = rho * sinf(__imag__ Z);
+ return Res;